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Natural Awakenings Twin Cities

‘Live Your Authentic Life’ Workshop

Carol Anderson

Coach and mentor Carol Anderson will lead a workshop entitled “Live Your Authentic Life” from 10 a.m. to noon on April 19 at The Metamorphosis Center, in Burnsville.

The workshop will help participants learn to live the second half of life more authentically than they may have been living so far. They will learn what they bring into the world and how to do so with integrity and courage.

“In the second half of life, what is disingenuous or false strips away and what is authentic appears in unexpected ways,” Anderson says. “I guide people to discern what is true in their life and celebrate all that they have, all that is good and all that is meant for them. Become the one who is always there for you, trusting and supporting you no matter what. Be the one you have come here to be.”

After 30 years in higher education as a teacher and educational leader, Anderson left to follow the call of her soul. Now she works with others as a coach, mentor, guide and speaker, exploring and creating meaningful, authentic and soulful ways to live the second half of life.

Cost: $45. Location: 1301 Cliff Rd., Burnsville. For more information, visit or