Discover the Magic of the Enlightened Mountains
© Micah Burke
Twenty-four Enlightened Mountains exist on Earth. Each mountain is connected to one of the 24 Frequencies of Light, as taught in the Inner Diamond Method. Each of these mountains holds a light frequency which anchors a Universal Principle for the planet. The Universal Principles are anchored by an Ascended Master and other 5th Dimensional Beings who inhabit each peak.
Annette Rugolo and Nea Clare will lead participants to discover the magic and mysteries of these mountains. Each quarter will include a webinar journey to six of these mountains, where participants will discover the treasures each peak has for humanity and the planet. There will be channeled messages, energetic transmissions and activations, and gifts along the way.
At the conclusion of the 12-month program, participants will remember who they are at a soul level; gain access to the Universal Principles that guide their lives on each of the four levels—success, health, relationships and wisdom—transform the old patterns and programs that are holding them back; connect consciously to their inner wisdom, sight, knowing and guidance system to confidently move forward; and receive personalized messages from the Ascended Masters to assist on their journey as they align to their greater purpose.
The schedule for this program is: Journey 1: Success Peaks - January 24, 31 and February 7; Journey 2: Health Peaks - April 4, 11, 18; Journey 3: Relationship Peaks - July 11, 18, 25; Journey 4: Wisdom Peaks - October 3, 10, 17.
Cost: $298/journey or $998 for all four. Webinar. For more information, visit
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