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Natural Awakenings Twin Cities

Submit a Health Brief

What’s New in Your Field?

Health Briefs highlight the latest research studies, trends and tips in easy-to-digest articles. Each focus on a particular topic, such as food, supplements, self-care, beauty, balance and fitness. Submissions should always contain doable solutions or pertinent research findings on common conditions or health issues.  

Health Briefs must be written in third person (them/they/those/people/attendees/participants) and relevant to our subject matter. This is not an advertisement and should not be written as such.

We reserve the right to edit all submissions. Follow Editorial Guidelines.

Natural Awakenings Twin Cities reserves the right to determine which Health Briefs will be included each issue and will edit printed submissions to meet our editorial guidelines. If extensive editing is required, the health brief will not be used. Current advertisers receive top priority and additional submissions will be considered based on relevant content and available space.

Deadline: The deadline for submitting Health Briefs is the 8th of the month prior to publication. Late submissions will not be considered. 

Length: 100 to 200 words

Below is an example of a well-written Health Brief for your review. It includes an eye-catching title, relevant information, cited relevant and current sources, and is at 235 words in the brief itself.

