Colombia Protects its Birds

Colombia has the most bird species in the world—1,966 registered species, or 20 percent of all birds worldwide—and has updated its strategy for protecting this rich avian life, affecting all birds that inhabit the country at some point in their annual life cycle. The goal is to conserve and sustainably manage bird diversity, habitats and ecosystems by the generation of knowledge, scientific research and its application, the active participation of different sectors, policy and planning. The strategy focuses on 11 different Colombian ecosystems from the high Andean forests to savannas, grasslands and coastal areas.
This exhaustive process in the renewal of Colombia’s avian protection strategy involved more than 30 workshops and 2,000 people from every region of the country. Input from indigenous peoples and others generated practical conservation actions in their territories, as well as ancestral knowledge and an appreciation for the special connections these communities have with birds in their daily lives, resulting in a strategy that prioritizes the relationships between people and birds.