Natural Awakenings Twin Cities August 2021
Read the full August 2021 Magazine
Featuring: Boost Happiness & Well-Being & Back-to-School Wellness Tips
Letter from the Publisher

Candi Broeffle
Happiness and gratitude are the foundations for a good life. Without happiness, it is hard to appreciate anything in our lives, from the small pleasures of everyday life to the more meaningful achievements. Gratitude is the acknowledgment of what we have been given. It is important to remember that there is always something to be grateful for, even when times are difficult.
Happiness is more than just a feeling; it's an action. It can be as simple as smiling and saying thank you to someone who has done something for you, or spending time with people you enjoy being around. Though it can be hard to accept, happiness comes from within and does not depend on anything outside of our control, such as how other people view us or what they do. When we seek external happiness, it will last only so long before the good feelings start wearing off.
This month’s feature article, “Think Yourself Happy”, provides seven ways to change your inner thoughts to bring more happiness into your life. As a professional coach, I find especially effective the approach of adopting new habits to encourage gratitude, clearing away the assumptions, expectations and negative inner talk.
Additional articles that we are excited to bring you to include:
· Pollinator-Friendly Yards: Gardening for Wildlife with Native Plants – It is a personal dream to one day have a yard that is completely low maintenance and pollinator-friendly. By taking small steps each growing season, we can all create a world safe for bees, butterflies, and birds. This article provides resources to learn how.
· Preserving the Harvest: Classic Ways to Store Garden Bounty All Year – Each year it seems that more people are learning how to preserve the fruits, vegetables, and meat that are abundant in the Minnesota summer and autumn seasons. With plenty of tips, tricks, and recipes, this article is sure to motivate even the beginners among us.
· Back-to-School Wellness: Tips to Keep Kids Healthy – School is just around the corner, and now is the time to plan for a successful academic year for our children. Practicing healthy habits is the foundation that allows our children to concentrate, learn and enjoy their school experience.
· Unleash Your True Potential: Working with a Life Coach Can Help – With the many changes in the last 18 months, professional coaching has become even more mainstream. If you have yet to hire a coach, this article will help you understand what to expect and provide insight into what you should consider when hiring one.
These are just some of the excellent articles we have for you this month. As always, we strive to bring you common-sense approaches to better health and well-being—physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.
In happiness with gratitude,