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Natural Awakenings Twin Cities

Environmental Causes of Women’s Compromised Health

Apr 30, 2023 08:00AM ● By Joyce Sobotta


There are 100,000 chemicals that have an estrogen effect on the body (xenoestrogens). Eighty-five percent of all breast cancer is caused by factors other than heredity. The big causes are environmental toxins, bad eating habits and stress.

Chemicals in sunscreen and personal care products can be estrogenic. Other examples include chlorine, auto exhaust, pesticides, herbicides, parabens  and petroleum-based products such as mineral oil. GMOs, radiated food, pesticides, hormones, antibiotics, sugar and simple carbohydrates all contribute to an unhealthy body, providing a place for disease to grow.

Clutter and noise are culprits of a peaceful life and are considered toxic in our environment. The more things that take up space in our mind, the more anxiety, agitation and anxiousness created. Noise is everywhere: music in the car, while shopping for groceries and filling up at gas stations, as well as having the TV on for background noise in the home. The World Health Organization called noise a “modern plague” and reported that environmental noise has adverse effects on our health.

Noise pollution has been found to lead to high blood pressure and heart attacks, as well as impairing hearing and overall health. Loud noises raise stress levels by activating the brain’s amygdala and causing the release of the stress hormone cortisol. Studies have shown silence relieves stress and tension. A study published in the journal Heart found that two minutes of silence are more beneficially relaxing than listening to relaxing music.

Silence can regenerate brain cells. A study published in the journal Brain Structure and Function found that two hours of silence a day led to the development of new cells in the hippocampus, a key brain region associated with learning, memory and emotion. These findings suggest that silence could be therapeutic for conditions like depression and Alzheimer’s disease. 

Silence replenishes our mental resources. Walking in the quiet stillness of nature can help clear the brain to process more meaning from each experience, be more creative, and reflect on mental and emotional states. In contrast, TV news and commercials are told from angles designed to prey on emotions.

Electromagnetic frequencies (EMFs) are a type of non-ionizing radiation that emits low-frequency radiation and are caused by electromagnetic fields. EMFs come from cell phones, wi-fi and cell phone towers, to name a few of it’s sources. The cumulative effect of radiation from exposure to cell phones, microwaves, body scanners and mammogram tests are a concern. Other problematic devices women often use include blow dryers, electric toothbrushes, microwaves, laptops, tablets, smart TVs and smart meters.

Millions of people are wearing fitness tracking devices and smart watches that emit EMF radiation. Manufacturers deny the harm coming from them, saying that the amount or EMFs is insignificant, but when the body is bombarded by so many sources, it is concerning. Studies have shown that cell phone towers with the new 5G emit the highest amounts of EMFs. These toxins and carcinogens add up in the body’s system over time and it is difficult to excrete them and heal the damage they cause. Make small changes every day; choose healthier options and allow the body time to detoxify. Finally, make sure to spend time outside in nature.

Excerpted from Breast Health is In Your Hands, Tips for Breast Vitality and Sensuality, chapter on Environmental Factors, authored by Joyce Sobotta. Founder of Healthy Girls Breast Oil, a unique and effective essential oil blend for breast health, Sobotta offers consultations on natural breast health. For more information, visit

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