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Natural Awakenings Twin Cities

Cadence Chiropractic Offers Complimentary Consultations

Jul 31, 2024 12:00AM ● By Twin Cities

Dr. Amanda Haeg

Dr. Amanda Haeg, Eden Prairie Chiropractor, is providing complimentary consultations designed to help new clients feel safe and tailor services to their exact needs. “I am passionate about finding the root cause of health issues to help people heal from the inside-out,” shares Dr. Haeg.

She supports clients at Cadence Chiropractic & Contrast Suite by addressing the upstream cause of issues and uses a variety of advanced non-invasive tools including thermography scans, X-rays and video X-rays, all of which will give a deep insight into how best to help each client. They receive full explanations and have answers to all questions.

Haeg is the only chiropractor in the state offering the Pierce Results System. With a specific system of analysis and correction, care will be tailored to each client’s exact needs, providing them with precisely what will them heal and stay healthy. The Pierce Results System is an objective assessment, allowing each client to see the results from the chiropractic care. Dr. Haeg states, “You won’t just feel a difference—you’ll notice it yourself on your progress X-rays!”

Haeg is a former football player whose journey to become a chiropractor began after being sacked on the field. She has a deep understanding of movement patterns and the interplay between bones, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves, bringing the full picture into client care to help each person get better and stay active.

Location: 6409 City W Pkwy, Eden Prairie. For more information or to schedule a consultation, call 952-855-7656 or visit