Women Transform Their Bodies from the Inside-Out

Courtesy of Barbara Brodsho
Women are bombarded with messages from culture, media, family, peers and religious teachings that trigger feelings of shame towards their bodies. They think that if they were just the perfect weight or size, they would love and accept themselves. Therefore, they try to control their bodies through dieting and weight loss.
Barbara Brodsho, soul purpose coach and holistic healer, facilitates a process of listening to one’s body and the voices of one’s soul to seek the wisdom that is buried deep within. In the eight-week virtual workshop, Honor the Sacredness of Our Bodies, participants discover how they formed their negative body image. They discover their beliefs that are formed by ingesting these messages and how they unconsciously project their painful feelings onto their bodies. This not only causes body hatred, but also squelches their spirit and damages their soul.Participants learn how to address their underlying needs and meet the hunger that resides in their souls through spiritual practices. By creating a sacred space filled with love, compassion and understanding, they transform their relationship with their body from the inside-out.
Brodsho has a master’s degree in theology and certifications in spiritual direction, energy medicine and soul-level healing. She empowers highly conscious spiritual seekers, creators and leaders to express their soul’s innate gifts and understand their life experiences from their soul’s perspective.
Cost: $599. Payment plans available if needed. Early bird discount of $100 if enrolled by December 15. Two options available: Tuesdays from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. starting January 19 or Wednesdays from5:30 to 7:30 p.m. starting January 20. For more information, visit BarbaraBrodsho.com/a-holistic-approach-to-honor-your-body.