The Dark Side of Root Canals
Dec 31, 2022 08:00PM ● By Holly Thompson
One-hundred percent of root canals harbor bacteria and infection. Yes, 100 percent. Numerous studies have proven this. If there is a nontoxic root canal tooth, it remains to be found and documented anywhere.
Root canal teeth have fungi, viruses and over 460 different types of bacteria. Root canals are a failed procedure that are not only expensive but can contribute to devastating health issues. If a root canal tooth has been in the jaw for more than five years, over 65 percent have black roots. This means the tooth—which is considered an organ—has gangrene. There is no other organ, other than the teeth, that would be left dead in our body, making this an unacceptable “standard of care”.
As early as 2009, the American Dental Association stated that individuals who reported having two or more root canal teeth were statistically more likely to have coronary artery disease. The Journal of Endodontics quoted in their April 2016 issue that “systemic disease is related to root canals further demonstrating how toxic the procedure is. In addition, the International Endodontic Journal stated in their January 2022 issue, “endodontic inflammatory disease is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease.”
Every dental patient should be told this information in an informed consent before getting a root canal or if they have a root canal. This is currently not being done in the dental profession, which is both unethical and dangerous.
Our bodies are meant to be a flowing, vital system. A dead organ (root canal tooth) is stagnation. The blood flow around root canal teeth stagnates, and stagnation anywhere in the body leads to lactic acid buildup that creates an environment primed for bacteria to invade. Teeth have pores like pores in the skin. Pores on teeth are called dentin tubules, which are only three nanometers in size.
The size of bacteria is up to one nanometer and can easily get into the dentin tubules. Once inside, the macrophages that eliminate bacteria cannot reach them because they are 25 to 50 nanometers and cannot fit through the dentin tubules. This can be equated to a cat (macrophage) trying to get to the mice (bacteria) through a mouse hole (dentin tubules). Meanwhile, the bacteria continue to grow and multiply inside the tooth and release their cytotoxin byproducts out of the tooth into the lymphatic system where they enter the bloodstream, and then, the entire body. A strong, healthy immune system can fight off this infection for a while, but it is impossible to control germs and they continue to grow. This leads to chronic inflammation and permanently activates the immune system, which leads to autoimmune disease.
Many people do not have pain with the dead root canal tooth, so are led to believe that everything is fine. However, the absence of pain is not a reason to believe the root canal teeth are healthy. Like other health issues such as diabetes, obstructive sleep apnea and even cancer, the disease does not cause pain until it becomes serious or even deadly.
A growing body of evidence has shown us that our teeth are directly related to specific body systems and organs. Patients with root canal teeth should, at the very least, get a baseline 3D X-ray (a cone beam scan) of all their teeth and jawbone areas. Not doing this is missing the opportunity to make the single most substantive intervention in slowing, stopping or even reversing a patient’s systemic disease. The standard 2D X-ray will miss many active infections in the teeth and jaw, making a 3D X-ray imperative.
Holly Thompson, DDS, is a biological dentist who specializes in zirconia dental implant placement at Natural Smiles Dentistry, in Shoreview. She has fellowships with The International Dental Implant Association and The Zirconia Implant Society and is currently in the Naturopathic Physician training program though the American College of Integrative Medicine & Dentistry.
At Natural Smiles, the team includes: patients, dentists, doctors and healthcare practitioners, collectively paving the way for a healthier tomorrow. Thompson is optimistic that dentistry and medicine can finally truly unite and work together to understand how the teeth and jaw are tied to overall health. Located at 3434 Lexington Ave. N., Ste., 700, Shoreview, call 651-483-9800 or visit

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