Natural Awakenings Twin Cities - December 2019
Featuring: Uplifting Humanity PLUS Earth-Friendly Holidays
Letter from the Publisher
This holiday season, as there seems to be so much that can divide us, I encourage all of us to extend our love and understanding to those who may not fully share our beliefs, and take some time to better understand one another’s point of view. This time of the year is traditionally the time to come together, and more importantly, this time in our history is urging us to do just that. It is up to each of us to build the community we so long for, not wait for our leaders and politicians to do it for us.
In this month’s uplifting feature by Linda Sechrist, “The Emerging Power of ‘We’: Awakening to the Evolution of Community”, you’ll find a compelling argument that collective wisdom, collaborative change and the need to evolve from a culture of “me” to a culture of “we” may be the key to addressing the major challenges that confront humankind.
One way in which I personally practice this is with a group of powerful women who meet several times a month to hold intentions and positive thoughts for one another as we move through the celebrations and difficulties in life. We have met through virtual meeting spaces and over the phone for two years, and the changes we have created have been incredible, including strengthening our relationships with our families, easily maneuvering through what would otherwise be difficult transitions, building our businesses and improving our health. Imagine what could be accomplished if all of us came together in our collective wisdom to make the change we hope to see in our communities? I hold the intention that 2020 will be the year we do so.
Having read 7 Lessons from Heaven: How Dying Taught Me to Live a Joy-Filled Life, I am excited to share the interview with the author, Mary Neal, in this month’s Wise Words. Dr. Neal is an orthopedic surgeon who shares her account of a near-death experience in which she believes she penetrated the veil dividing the physical and spiritual worlds. Her life-altering experience prompted her to pay more attention to those things that are truly important: faith, family and relationships with others. I am confident that her message will resonate in some way with you this holiday season.
As you prepare for the holidays and seek to find the perfect gifts to share with your loved ones, I encourage you to share the gifts of good health. The advertisers who support this magazine provide services and goods that will make your gift giving both easy and welcomed by your loved ones. Your thoughtfulness will be appreciated by all and you will have the satisfaction of knowing that you supported a local small business owner—one of your community members.
Wishing you peace, joy and wellness,
Candi Broeffle, Publisher