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Natural Awakenings Twin Cities

Natural Awakenings Twin Cities January 2022

Featuring: 2022 Annual Health and Wellness Guide

Letter from the Publisher

Candi Broeffle

Happy New Year! 

2022 has arrived and it is time again to consider what you are ready to let go of and what you want to achieve. This time each year, I take inventory of myself, and rather than make a resolution that I will most likely not keep, I consider what is no longer serving me and how I might remove it from my life. At times, this has been a grudge I held for far too long, and at other times a spending spree that went on far too long. Making a commitment to myself in this way empowers me to take on the second part of this process.

The second step is determining what I want to achieve each year. Whether it is a health or self-care goal or something I want to create in my business or personal life, I take the time to think about how reaching this goal will positively impact my life. Then I write it down. I write it as if it has already happened. I write it as if it is December 31, 2022, and I am looking back on all the things I did to reach the goal. It is magical what happens when you write down your goal—but it is not all you need to do.

The most important part of this process is to act. Do something every day to move toward your goal. Just a small step—make a phone call, reach out to a potential partner, sign up for a class to learn a skill you will need. This action will propel you forward, and soon the resources and people you need to reach your goal will appear. You may be thinking that this sounds magical, and you are right. It is magical. But it is not unusual. Ask any successful person you know about the goals they have achieved, and they will inevitably share a similar story.

Taking the time to self-reflect is important any time of the year, but the new year provides us the reminder and drive to do so. As you commit to rid yourself of the things that no longer serve you and focus on your 2022 goals, be assured that you do not need to do this alone. January is our annual Directory Issue where you can learn more about the businesses that support Natural Awakenings Twin Cities magazine with their advertising dollars. These are business owners who live their commitments every day—commitments to themselves, to their clients and to our community. If you are looking for support on your journey, there are no better people to assist you and I highly encourage you to engage with them. You will not be disappointed.

Wishing you a healthy and prosperous New Year!


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